Truck Driver Learning Center

Social Media for Truckers [Tips for Success]

Written by Maddy Marquette | May 31, 2024 1:54:57 PM

In 2024, most people use one form of social media or another, whether LinkedIn to network with people in their industry or TikTok to casually scroll and pass the time watching silly videos. 

Drivers are no exception.

Truck drivers might be known as solitary creatures on the road, but they’ve certainly found a community through social media — utilizing platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube to not only connect with other drivers but to build another stream of income.

(However, there are certainly still some drivers who are using flip phones and have no desire to be on social media. That’s okay too!)

As the social media specialist here at Anderson Trucking Service (ATS), I advise both drivers and office team members on their social media profiles. 

This article will help you understand how to leverage social media to build a community, improve your professional network, and even monetize your social media profile. I’ll also give you a few tips on what you shouldn’t do on social media. 

How to Use Social Media as a Truck Driver

Social media isn’t just for connecting with others; it’s also a great way to grow your career.

Connect With Friends and Family

It can get lonely on the road — especially if you’re an over-the-road (OTR) truck driver away from your family for weeks at a time. Social media is a great way to feel connected — even while you’re away. 

Check out what your friends and family are up to through updates, videos, and photos, and share which places you’re visiting around the country. Engaging with these updates can help you feel less alone and isolated while you’re unable to be physically present.

Build a Community with Other Drivers

Social media can help you build a support community on the road that you might not otherwise have. There are tons of truck driver groups you can join on Facebook, truck driver “influencers” you can follow on Instagram and TikTok, and professional trucking accounts on YouTube. 

Joining these groups and connecting with other drivers in the industry will help you out on the road with various issues — whether you’re simply struggling on the road or looking for tips to advance your career. There will always be someone out there who’s been through exactly what you’re experiencing and can help you navigate it. 

Maybe you’re trying to figure out where the best truck stops are in a certain state, you want to know how to secure a new load, or you have a question about an industry regulation. You can use these groups to ask your questions and get helpful feedback. 

A lot of trucking companies have Facebook groups for their drivers. For instance, ATS has several Facebook groups that drivers can join to connect with fellow ATS drivers. We see a lot of mentorship happening in these groups and drivers learning from one another.

On the other hand, maybe you’re looking to be a resource or a mentor to other drivers. Sharing your life on the road can help other drivers, and if you build up enough of a following, you can start to monetize your content. It takes hard work, dedication, and quality content, but plenty of drivers are seeing the financial benefits!

Educate Yourself on Industry News

If you follow trucking industry experts and trucking companies, you can use social media as one of the tools in your arsenal to stay updated on the latest industry news. 

Social media is also a great place to go if you’re looking to expand your knowledge and learn new securement techniques. If you’re confused about how to secure something, you should always be able to go to your safety department for help.

However, a lot of times you can also visit YouTube to view other drivers securing a similar commodity. Just make sure you’re considering your company’s policies when you watch these videos; other drivers might have slightly different regulations to follow. 

You can also educate yourself on other companies and check out company reviews. Social media is a great place to do this.


Social media is designed for networking, so take advantage when you can to build your network — especially as a lease operator or owner-operator. 

You can build your brand as a professional truck driver on platforms like LinkedIn. If you’re regularly posting about your process and putting out helpful content, companies will take notice. You can gain customers this way. 

Think of it this way: Here at ATS, we’re a large business with a marketing team. Each person on the team has a specialized role designed to help promote and grow the business.

If you’re just a one-truck business, you’ll have to do the work of many. You may decide part of that includes professional networking on LinkedIn to try to get the attention of companies you may be able to haul freight for. 

Things Drivers Shouldn’t Do on Social Media

While social media is a great tool and can provide endless entertainment, there are also a few things experts don’t recommend you use it for. Social media is a public record on the Internet; even if you delete a post, it lasts forever. 

Plus, we live in a world where everyone is in a fishbowl and “cancel culture” is rampant. One misstep and you can end up blasted on the Internet or trending on TikTok for making one wrong move on the road.

Don’t Promote Hate Speech or Harmful Language

While freedom of speech is certainly something to consider, just know that you may face consequences if you’re using certain hate speech or being harmful and argumentative on social media — whether on your page or public forums.

Trucking company social media pages are regularly monitored. Here at ATS, I spend time each day monitoring comments and answering questions for drivers, family members, and the public. People at other trucking companies are doing the same thing.

If you’re commenting on a trucking company’s page, your comments can get back to your driver manager. If you’re in violation of your company’s social media policy or your comments are otherwise problematic, there could be disciplinary actions. 

Even if you’re writing negative, hateful posts on your personal page, it can be found easily. Your social media accounts essentially act as a paper trail of everything you’ve ever said on the Internet. If you don’t want someone to see it, don’t post it on social media.

Engaging in hate speech can ruin your reputation at a company, cause you to lose customers or ruin your chances of earning them, make you lose your job, and worse. For example, if comments are threatening, the issue can be escalated to authorities. People do get arrested for threatening posts and comments on social media; threats have to be taken seriously. 

What you say on social media can either help you or hurt you. It’s all about how you say it.

Don’t Burn Bridges

Again, freedom of speech is a right, but if you start trashing trucking companies on social media, you may ruin your chances of ever working with those companies in the future. Even if you’re mad at the carrier you just quit, you may want to drive for them again one day. Think twice before you run them through the dirt on socials. 

Most companies monitor their Google reviews and social media comments; someone will see your harmful comments. 

This isn’t to say you can’t write a negative review of a carrier — you certainly can. However, there’s a way to do it in a professional, respectful manner (i.e., leaving out the hate speech). 

Don’t Ignore the Rules of the Road

You might want to get that perfect shot while you’re driving, but doing so can get you in trouble with the law and/or with your company. 

When filming or photographing a load or a process like tarping and securing, ensure safety is at the front of your mind. Make sure you’re wearing the proper safety gear and you’re following proper procedures to keep yourself safe. 

Your company may have regulations regarding what you can film, where you can place your camera, and so on. It goes without saying you can’t use your phone while driving, either. Get familiar with these rules and regulations so you don’t unknowingly break a rule. 

It’s also a good idea to use disclaimers on your videos if you didn’t film a step of the process or if you sped it up. 

Here’s an example of a good video. 

Follow ATS on Social Media

Social media offers you a unique platform to stay connected, build a community, and even enhance your career. Whether you're keeping in touch with family, networking with fellow drivers, or staying updated on industry news, the benefits are countless. 

However, it's crucial to navigate these platforms wisely. Avoid engaging in hate speech, burning bridges with negative comments, or ignoring road safety for the sake of a good shot. 

By using social media responsibly, you can leverage it to enrich your professional and personal life on the road. Maybe you’ll even turn your online presence into another source of income. Happy scrolling and safe travels!

Shameless plug time: Be sure to follow Drive4ATS on all of our channels. 



