How much money can you expect to make as a team driver? What happens if you’re an independent contractor vs. a lease driver? If you’re considering team driving, you need to first figure out how you’ll get paid and how much you’ll earn.
I’ll explain how teams are paid. You might be paid cents-per-mile or percentage pay with additional payment for fuel surcharges and accessorials. Be sure you talk to your carrier to see how they’ll pay you or learn about different types of pay in this article.
Your pay will also depend on your carrier, what type of freight you’re hauling and how motivated you are to succeed. For instance, if you can haul freight for the Department of Defense as a team, you’ll earn a great income. Learn more about this freight here.
If you own your truck or you’re leasing it as a team, one driver takes on full financial responsibility and pays the other driver. As a company driver, both drivers are paid directly by the company. Make sure you create a financial agreement and you divide responsibilities. It’s also a good idea to set up a business.
If you’re deciding whether you should be an independent contractor or a company driver, this article will help you decide.