Stephen is an ATS driver in the vans division.
Stephen Mayo
February 13th, 2025
When you’re on the road for days at a time, you need to be prepared for everything — from weather changes to an unexpected reaction to a bad truck stop burrito. You pretty much need to be ready for anything. Whether it’s a breakdown or a long wait at a warehouse, having the right gear can make a huge difference in your comfort, safety, and efficiency on the road. Believe me, I’ve been there a few times. It’s better to be over-prepared than under-prepared — something I’ve learned in my years on the road as a truck driver.
Stephen Mayo
October 15th, 2024
Being a truck driver comes with a sense of freedom, but being successful takes a lot of discipline. One area that takes the most discipline is saving money. Everyone is always talking about how to make more money, but they don’t spend enough time talking about how to save the money they do earn.
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