Tyler Petron

Tyler started at ATS in 2021 as a driver manager and became a planner in late 2023. He ensures all ATS dry van trucks are set up with freight. He enjoys the logistics that go into the day-to-day operations of the business. He finds it rewarding to watch a load plan or project get carried out with perfect execution. Prior to working at ATS, he was in the Army and was a full-time corrections officer — both of which have helped him in his role today. They reinforced his ability to thoroughly communicate through issues and lay out alternate plans of action under stress. They also taught him how to manage situations under stress, especially when a plan goes south.

By: Tyler Petron
November 24th, 2023

With the influx of drivers entering the industry since the freight boom during the height of the pandemic, we’re seeing an increasing issue with parking for truck drivers. This is especially an issue in areas with a lot of freight coming in and out — like the Northeast.