Truck Driver Learning Center

[Video] New Vs. Used Semi-Trucks: Leasing Pros and Cons

Written by Jakob Leon | Sep 7, 2023 3:13:20 PM

In this video, we discuss the pros and cons of leasing new versus old semi trucks. The advantages of leasing a new truck include the latest technology, enhanced fuel efficiency, advanced safety features, lower maintenance costs due to warranties and modern engineering, and the prestige of driving a new vehicle. However, the downsides include higher monthly payments and depreciation. On the other hand, leasing an older truck can result in cost savings due to lower monthly payments, but may come with more maintenance issues and lack of modern features. The decision between a new or older truck depends on individual priorities and budget. The key takeaway is that there's no one-size-fits-all answer and it's about finding the balance that works for you and your business.